How are your resolutions holding up?
Yeah? I don’t make them anymore either.
That’s why I choose words and songs to focus on for the year. Have you picked your word or a theme for 2019?
If you read my last couple of newsletters, maybe you remember my three words for 2019…
I spent some time talking about mudita and how difficult it can be for me to practice appreciative joy when it seems everyone else is having success and I’m hitting a brick wall. Ever felt that way?
Oh, it’s easy to celebrate your colleague’s promotion/big win/engagement when you are also experiencing what looks like achievements to the outside world.
And not at all easy when you’re doing everything right and just not getting the rewards.
This is where detachment comes in.
Of course, we look at what we are doing and analyze how it can be improved. We bring experts in to look at it for us, we join mastermind groups to help us view it from a fresh perspective, we invite our accountability partners to help us evaluate it all, and our coaches support us and help us devise new plans.
But when we practice detachment and acceptance, we are not derailed when we don’t have the successes we expect.
Instead, we put in the effort, we do the work, we make the calls, we dot our i’s and cross our t’s and let it go. We let go of the attachment to the results.
If someone else gets the contract, we move on to the next proposal. We analyze what we did right, what we can do better next time, we don’t take it personally, and we place our energies on what is next.
Detachment keeps our energy high, our vibration is tuned in to a higher frequency that does the work not from a place of ego but from the place of service.
I mean, why are we doing the work we are doing?
Do we want to help others, i.e., serve others or do we do it all for ourselves, meaning ego?
So, the next time you are writing a proposal or preparing for a sales call, pause and remember why you’re doing it.
You’ll notice a calmness, a grounding energy within you.
And when you get the gig, make the sale or not. Remember again. And move on.
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